
Basketball Ballarat was recognised last weekend at the Annual BVC Awards Breakfast in Bendigo with the Award as the best large Country Association in Victoria.

In announcing this prestigious award BVC General Manager David Huxtable congratulated Basketball Ballarat on its community efforts in 2017. Mr Huxtable noted the following achievements of Ballarat Basketball.

In 2017, Ballarat Basketball increased registered participants from 3113 to 3986, only 14 registrations away from being Vic Country’s first 4000 registered participant association.

Ballarat Basketball has positioned itself as a leader within the Ballarat community, not just for sport but for the work that it completes in its Community Programs, in Schools and in the Inclusion area.

The Ballarat Wheel Chair program is well delivered and is active on the court each Monday night.

Ballarat regularly runs Green Shirt Programs introducing new young Referees into the system

Ballarat also achieved the ultimate recognition with the final part of a large stadium redevelopment funding proposal receiving the green light and this will proceed in 2018.

The Associations Healthy Living Program focuses on mentoring in schools, community programs and other youth activities and the aim is to actively engage in the community to promote the benefits of a healthy lifestyle including regular exercise, a balanced diet and social interaction.

In 2017 Ballarat created a Community Ambassador Role and appointed Joy Burke to oversee all our elite athletes at schools, mentoring programs and community activities.

The program work included:

  • A Boys Mentoring Program at Yuille Park
  • Girls Empowerment Program Sebastopol Primary
  • Class sessions with International students at Mt Clear Secondary College
  • Breakfast & Meal Clubs at Delacombe, Mt Clear and Yuille Schools
  • New resident Sudanese Development Programs for children and teenagers
  • Midnight Basketball Program for Youth at Risk

Basketball Ballarat’s programs also involve:

  • Player engagement at Ballarat Specialist School and for other school and community support programs.
  • Ballarat link with at least 50 regional schools each year and their goal is to deliver 100 free clinics per year.

The Ballarat Thrifty Under 14 Rush Representative Team had great success at the 2017 Basketball Australia Nationals Under 14 Club Championships in October taking out the Shield Division Premiership.

To top off a brilliant tournament, and probably the best reward in sport, was the announcement of the Fair Play Shield to Ballarat as well.

In Senior Elite Basketball, the Ballarat SEABL Team made the South East Conference final and played to sold out crowds at the Minerdome, Ballarat also delivered on the digital front, live streaming the game through their Facebook page.

The City of Ballarat voted in 2017 to consolidate three separate expiring agreements between the City, Ballarat Regional Tourism and Basketball Ballarat into one. They were the Miners and Rush SEABL program, the Community Engagement & Ambassador Program and the Events Program. Council unanimously voted to support the proposal and agreed to a new Strategic Partnership for the next three years.

This outstanding result positions Basketball Ballarat as the lead regional sports body in Western Victoria.

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