Basketball Ballarat have just wrapped up their free club skills days sessions at the MARS® MINERDOME.

150 local juniors representing all clubs within the Association were nominated into the 2 day skills camp this week at the MARS® MINERDOME.

Basketball Ballarat Program Manager Matt Newton said that the club skills sessions offer local players the opportunity to experience training at the higher level. This exposure will only help improve their ability to play Basketball

The aim of this free community program is to provide another level of training and education for players from all clubs within the Association.

The program is offered to local clubs to nominate up to 20 children in both the under 12’s and under 14’s that may not receive regular specialised training sessions. All clubs have been fantastic and really proactive in ensuring their club is well represented at the sessions, Newton said.

From 150 invitations issued a response was received from 104 junior athletes to accept the offer of free skills sessions.

Newton said that “This kind of response really shows that children in Ballarat are enthusiastic about our sport and are looking for more options to be involved.”

Head coach and Ballarat Rush player Abbey Wehrung said that “it’s fantastic to have our local junior players come in and experience this level of training. It’s something that they can take back to their domestic teams and help their mates improve.”

The clinics were ran by GMHBA Miners and Rush SEABL and Youth players which focussed on new skills and techniques they can work on at home or during training sessions.

All players attending the clinics also receive a free pass to a SEABL game.