Push Up Challenge for Mental Health awareness
The Push-Up Challenge is an annual fitness event which takes place in July each year. It has participants completing the same number of push-ups as lives lost in Australia the previous year. The push-ups can be completed anywhere and it's free to take part. The amount of push-ups varies from day to day. In 2020 the total number of push-ups over the 21 day event will be 3,046. During the event, participants can track their push-ups and see how their mates are going through The Push-Up Challenge app. Participants are also able to learn about mental health through the app and may choose to fund raise as part of the event.
Basketball Victoria Technical Officials Department has set up a Community for the upcoming ‘Push Up Challenge’.
‘The Push-Up Challenge is a great way to promote fitness, mental health and community spirit with your friends and co-workers while raising funds for a worthy cause’.
Associations have formed some teams for the 2020 Push up Challenge starting this Monday 11th May so all our Victorian Referees can join in the fun!
Ballarat have chosen to raise funds for Headspace, as well as participate in the physical activity, mental health awareness, team environment and state initiative. To donate, please click on the link below: