Fairwell to Melissa Thomas
Basketball Ballarat’s Senior Elite Teams Administrator Melissa Thomas has taken a wonderful opportunity in London, England.
Melissa commenced with Basketball Ballarat in January of 2015 following a six month internship with Basketball Victoria after graduating from Federation University Australia with a Double Bachelor of Sports Management and Business.
Looking after the administration of both the McDonald’s Ballarat Youth Teams, Hotondo Homes Ballarat Miners and Selkirk Ballarat Rush which included over 70 athletes plus a dozen staff and coaches.
“I have really enjoyed the fast paced sporting environment and always having something new happening each day. Working with athletes and coaches has been a challenge I have enjoyed when finding a balance for all.” Melissa Said.
Melissa moved to Ballarat to study at Fed Uni and when the opportunity to permanently stay for employment came she jumped at the opportunity to challenge herself in a foreign sport to her.
“Home games were always a highlight, having never followed basketball it was amazing to see how engaged our community is with the Hotondo Homes Ballarat Miners and Selkirk Ballarat Rush. Our crowds are easily the best across the league and when we sell the Mars Minerdome out there is no better atmosphere.” Melissa said.
Melissa mentioned she had formed lifelong friends and memories while working at Basketball Ballarat which she will be forever thankful for
“I was really fortunate to be given the opportunity from Peter Eddy and Nick Grylewicz, being straight out of Uni and with no basketball background. I had a lot of support from my Elite Teams Sub-Committee including, Nick, Kym Cassells, Simon Walshe, Peter Cunningham, Andrea Nolan and Matt Nunn.”
“Everyone I have met through Basketball Ballarat has helped me in so many ways, I have learnt something off everyone here, from staff, volunteers, players, coaches, members, spectators, sponsors and our local community as a whole who I cannot thank enough.” Melissa said.
CEO of Basketball Ballarat Peter Eddy was very thankful for Melissa’s contribution.
“After coming to Basketball Ballarat after an internship with Basketball Victoria, Melissa has accepted every challenge and responsibility that has come her way and handled them in a professional and friendly manner.” Peter said.
“She has consistently led our clubs administration in the Elite Teams area to be one of the best in the state. Her ability to manage the pressure of the role while delivering beyond expectations to all athletes, coaches and administrators is second to none.” Peter mentioned.
Melissa will be relocating to London in England where is will pursue Sports Management opportunities.
“While we will really miss Melissa at Basketball Ballarat we are all excited at the journey and life experience she has ahead of her and hopefully, one day, we will see her return to Ballarat.” Peter Eddy finished.
On behalf of everyone at Basketball Ballarat both past and present we would like to thank Melissa Thomas for her enormous contribution to the association during her time here.
Current staff member Glenn White has transitioned across to manage the Elite Team Administration for 2019.