Hoop Jam

Basketball Ballarat is participating in the 2017 YMCA World Challenge.

World Challenge 2017 is about using the power of sport to bring communities together and empower young people! The aim is to bring as many young people together from our community, to meet, celebrate, laugh and have fun together – all while playing basketball!

As part of the YMCA World Challenge 2017 we would like to invite you to get involved with the Friday night HOOP JAM to celebrate the 173rd Birthday of the YMCA AND 125 years of basketball and shoot as many hoops as you can.

Join Ballarat Rush and Miners players for coaching and drills, give-aways , prizes and sausage sizzle (gold coin). This event is ideal for primary school aged children and their families.

As identified by the Victoria State Government Delacombe Community Plan and the Delacombe Chairs Forum, affordable and relevant health and well being programs are important to the community. Ballarat YMCA plans to actively promote new and exciting initiatives to be held from the Delacombe Sports Stadium and Community Hub to ensure increased access by the local people to promote healthy living as part of the Ballarat YMCA plan 2020. “belief into action”.

YMCA will be gauging the interest from the participation at this event to help determine the viability of an ongoing after school sport program to further encourage active participation and empower the young people of Delacombe through sport and recreation.

YMCA would love to hear how you could help promote this event to make it a huge celebration to mark the YMCA World Challenge 2017. Check out, Like and share the Facebook event (below) and please contact Jade on 0434 189 616 or email jade.farren@ymca.org.au for further enquiries.

Lets play some basketball. Our game. Our community.
