Domestic Basketball Ballarat Clubs – Participation Opportunities
Basketball Ballarat has a range of opportunities for participants from the community to join a Domestic Basketball Ballarat Club. Please check below for Domestic & Social Club opportunities.
Domestic Basketball Clubs

Ballan Brumbies
Submitted July 8th, 2020
- Currently seeking U10 Girls
Contact president@ballanbrumbies.com.au

Drummo Dragons
Submitted July 8th, 2020
- Currently seeking U8, U10 & U12 Girls
Contact Kate via drummodragons@hotmail.com or Phone/Text 0434 270 820

Sovereign Knights
Submitted July 8th, 2020
- Currently seeking U10 Boys & Girls, U14 Girls
Contact admin@skbc.org.au
For further Domestic Basketball Ballarat Club Contacts Page please click here
Social Basketball Clubs
None at this time.

Clubs wanting to promote any opportunities can do so by emails Khyal.Thompson@ballaratbasketball.com
The information will be valid for four (4) weeks from receiving and should this need to be extended please let us know.