Please find attached below a document outlining two options for a restart to Basketball. As it currently stands there is no definitive date but planning of what is to occur needs to happen sooner rather than later. There is nothing to suggest a delay may occur further into term 4 at present so it is imperative to plan now.
I would encourage all club executive committees to discuss the two options and respond via email to myself with the best model for your club by no later than 5pm Sunday 6th of September 2020.
We understand your members need to be consulted in this process which is why this information is available here on our website along with a summary survey email which should be received Friday the 28th of August. The survey will be open until 11.59pm on 2/9/2020, and results collated and sent to clubs the next day. this will also offer you a chance to see what players, coaches and team managers who registered through Play HQ think.
I would encourage you to review the season options document and also the Key Info document attached as both relate to each other. The Key info has some important areas to consider when making your decision.
Once clubs have sent back in their responses by the above listed date we will arrange quick communication around the results and move forward with planning.
Season option documents below